The Benefits of a Clean Workspace

person using laptop on a table

The new year is always an excellent time to start fresh and formulate healthier habits. For the purpose of this blog, we’re going to take a look at your workspace. Are you the kind of person who enjoys tidiness and order, or do you tend to lean towards “organized chaos”?
Whatever kind of person you may be, it is beneficial to have a clean and tidy workspace, for your personal well-being and for security purposes. In this blog, we’re going to take a look at the benefits of having a clean workspace.

Increased Efficiency

Decluttering your office gives you the possibility to only have on hand what you need and use often. If you have to pause your workday to search for paperwork, this decreases your productivity and wastes time. Plus, who wants to stop working when you have a good workflow? Keeping the workspace tidy with only your essentials on hand will help increase the use of your time.

It Helps You Make Healthier Choices

Making positive changes can result in a domino effect. Having a clean and organized space not only positively impacts your mental and emotional health, but your physical health as well. A recent study has shown that people who worked in a clean office for ten minutes were likelier to choose an apple over a chocolate bar than people who worked in a messy office for the same amount of time.

Decreased Stress

Have you noticed that seeing clutter gives you a sense of unease and induces stress? Well, it has been scientifically proven that humans do not respond well to clutter. Disorganization causes us to become easily distracted and therefore, less productive. Our brains are wired to like order and any form of disorganization causes us to feel drained. Clutter increases our cortisol levels, the hormone that makes us feel stressed. Not surprisingly, our environment affects our mental and emotional health. Giving your workspace a good tidy will benefit you in the long run!

Improved Morale

Many of us are working from home these days. Even still, people generally feel more relaxed and much calmer when in a clean and organized environment. It is estimated that we spend a third of our lives working or at work. Make sure it is an environment that fosters productivity and calmness, where possible. We encounter stress at our jobs from time to time, but making sure your environment is clutter-free helps!

Enhanced Data Security

Data breaches are often a result of human error. Leaving various paperwork out in the open could result in prying eyes gaining access to valuable information. While you may believe that whatever documents are on your desk may pose no real threat, anything that contains personal identifying information (PII) could put you or your clients at risk. Having a clean desk with all of your valuable documents locked away is the best way of protecting yourself.

After you clean off your desk, make sure the documents you no longer need are shredded by a secure and reliable shredding company like Document Destruction of Virginia. Give us a call today at 1-877-338-3320 or request a quote online.

Let us tailor a program that will accommodate your shredding needs.