DDV Operations during the Coronavirus Outbreak

We will remain open for business at this time. We are carefully monitoring the health of our entire staff. No one will be out servicing our customers if they are experiencing any cold or flu-like symptoms. We are going to have our drivers wear a mask and gloves when servicing our customers; this is for our safety and yours.

If you have employees working from home, please remind them of the importance of storing any paperwork they may have to print in a bag or box at their home. Employees can bring that container back to your office and place the contents in our shred containers when you re-open. Reminding your employees that the safety of their documents is always critical, and keeping work-related and personal documents out of dumpsters will go a long way in keeping your corporate information safe.

We are also going to put a hold on having signatures required on our paperwork, that way we can limit the need for close contact while still providing the service you are accustomed to.

DDV is part of the raw supply chain that recycles our shredded paper to pulp mills that produce many of the paper products that are currently flying off the shelves. We will continue to follow all guidelines issued by the CDC and VA Department of Health, and will update you with any additional changes.

We appreciate your continued support during these times,

Garrett Brickner
Document Destruction of Virginia

Let us tailor a program that will accommodate your shredding needs.