What are Document Shredding Services?

paper shreddings

Disposing of documents or paper containing confidential or personal information can be a challenging job, especially if you have such documents in large amounts and regularly. As the problem of identity theft is increasing day by day, document shredding is a safe and secure option to tackle this problem.  Whether you get piles of paper accumulated at home or from your company office or business, it is vital to dispose of the document correctly.


Document Destruction of Virginia, DDV offers document shredding services with peace of mind as they give you a certificate of destruction with their work. Protect you or your customers’ privacy and save yourself from fraud and data breaches by shredding your document with DDV.
Document Destruction Virginia offers the following services, which you can select according to your needs

One time shredding

Any documents that you require to get shredded are processed with our top of the line on-site shredding trucks, which can shred at speeds of 3,000 to 6,000 pounds of paper per hour. You do not need to remove staples or paper clips from the documents. All of the shredded paper is then processed at a paper mill and pulped down and recycled. You are billed for only the paper that we actually shred.

Recurring services

We offer a variety of services depending upon your location including weekly, biweekly, or monthly to fit your needs. . We provide our customers with free lockable secure containers for these recurring services.

Hard drive destruction

You can get your hard drives destroyed on-site or off-site in the most secure way. It is the best way to dispose of your sensitive information. Hard drive shredding is available for home pickup as well. If you have old laptops, computers that have hard drives containing data, once those drives are removed they can be either shredded in front of you or brought back to our secure facility for processing.

Friday Shredding

Local residences can now enjoy a convenient way to have their documents shredded at our Ruckersville warehouse.  Please call us at 434-985-2296 to get added to our schedule, we try and offer this service at least 2x per month.

Residential shredding services

At DDV we provide a safe and convenient way to shred your documents at your residence without leaving the comfort of your home.  We offer an affordable mobile shredding service for residential owners in all the areas that we regularly travel with our trucks during our commercial services.  This means driving to your home for shredding is easy.  With DDV, we will bring the shred truck to you and because we do all of our shredding onsite, it will all be destroyed before leaving your property!


Uniform destruction

Damaged and unusable uniforms must get destroyed appropriately so that they do not get misused by anyone. Uniforms of police officers, firefighters and army officers are a significant recognition of the staff members and provide a layer of security for community members. The community trusts these people, and patches and uniforms should be destroyed via shredding so that no one can misuse old and discarded uniforms. To avoid such circumstances, it is necessary to dispose of them correctly. DDV uniform destruction services offer a controlled and secure environment to shred the uniforms for the community’s well-being.


If you are tired of preserving receipts, account records, invoices, bank records, medical and dental records, legal documents, tax returns, report cards, damaged uniforms, and resumes, which are no longer useful to you, contact the most reliable shredding company, DDV. Reduce your clutter in a secure, environmentally friendly way.

Contact Document Destruction of Virginia to get shredding today.

Let us tailor a program that will accommodate your shredding needs.